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Living Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Where threats become possibilities.

  • 125 US dollars
  • Apple Valley

Service Description

Your thoughts help to develop your beliefs. Your beliefs determine your actions. Your actions become the results you see in your life. If you don't like some of the results in your life then keep reading. We all have a unique survival pattern based on the stories of our lives. We have mental and emotional triggers and reactions, that are recalled from the past. Triggers in your brain say, “this moment is like others from the past.” Settings, sights, and even smells trigger "familiar or normal" patterns of thought. They trigger reactions to the mirrors of your past. Staying in these cycles are damaging to your relationships, and they put-up barriers to opportunities for success and transformation. These patterns have become your "comfort zone". Life events outside of the zone feel like threats. So, what if your perceived greatest threats could become your greatest possibilities. What if your prior conclusions no longer determined your present circumstances, and your future. God says it is possible. Do you want to learn how? At Living Outside Your Comfort Zone retreat, you will experience biblical teaching, group life coaching, discussion, prayer, and space for quiet reflection, based on these 3 principles: Renewed thoughts cause new reactions. Rewriting the story allows different responses. Replacing wrong beliefs brings new results. Connecting all three, brings transformation. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." Eph 2:10. Dates: Time: 9:00-4:00 Investment: $125 per person Includes lunch, snacks, and beverages. For 8 participants Attend with others you know or come and enjoy new faces.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Apple Valley


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